success, helping others, making a difference, wanting the BEST out
of life, and being open to new ideas and cutting-edge thinking.
If one really wants to be wealthy, learn to build a business and, that it be
something that can be passed on to future generations.
If one is looking for security, typically found in a job, just calculate how much time one could hold on if they were to lose their job. Then, allow this business to be that which works hard for you in building that wall of security around you so you never have to worry about it not being there again.
This can be done for a very low price, while offering huge returns. Most people will attend and play weekly 'bingo' games to get returns, which is really back to just spending. The business model also is already in place for you, so, your only and best job involves telling to as many as you can as fast as you can, in order for the business to grow in terms of other investors like yourself.
The number of investors to bring is very low. The choice to bring more going forward is just that, a choice, but, not mandatory.
Do this, and your freedom and time is all yours to do as you wish.