These are some facts to consider:
The industry is something like 50 years old and continues to be successful. It's not just for those at the 'top'.
Some network marketing companies that have been around have learned to do some things right. Research and see which one is the #1 company of its kind & some of the others among the industry. Be sure to take a look at ours, 25+ years strong and growing into the next 100.
It is a working business model based on direct distribution as a way to market products. Let's face it, everything is being marketed to us and our friends and family.
If we really think about it, all business models represent the form of a pyramid, just that there are good ones and bad ones. Most of us subscribe to the bad ones (bad meaning ones that don't make us any money, just consume our money)--even the ones we may have worked for.
The amount of money that flows in this sort of business model is advantageous to all individuals, for-profit businesses, and all non-profit organizations.
MLM represents the 4-year career-to-retirement plan versus the 40+ year plan and that's something most people can not seem to get their heads around. Look, the 40+ year plan is OUT.
Price, sales, and ads are for the MLM company, yes. So it does not matter so much to us except that by helping them, Enormous income, product usage, product benefits are for the people who use and recommend them. We don't get any of that with what we're currently doing(ie. re-visiting, recommending), where we currently shop/eat, with the products we currently use.
We already do this, just aren't getting paid for it.
When we buy and use products/services we represent we call that an investment of our money and we get a piece of it back.
We share it with our network and everyone benefits. It's not a ponzi because there is tangible benefit from the products. Typically, they are great and work well, better than what we usually get off the shelf.
When we buy and use products/services somewhere else we call that spending our money and we DON'T get any of it back.
Rich people invest, other people spend.
It's just a different way of looking at things. We've been over conditioned to accept things the other way for so long. Truth is, all else is BROKE...Government, Banks, Companies that Hire, our families, our neighbors, us....
MLM is something to really take a look at & seriously consider, in these times especially, and make use of it for just a short time to make a difference in everyone's lives.
It just may be one of the only viable business models right now.
Making it a choice could make all the difference.