Your NetWork is a Platinum GoldMine

Your NetWork is a Platinum GoldMine

The Magic is in the Telling, Not the Selling

The Magic is in the Telling, Not the Selling
---RB cont'd, Our model offers personal, spiritual & character development. We're looking to build wealth through residual income. ---Without this promise in our culture, we're just expendable employees… ROADKILL on the highway to corporate quarterly profits.


Tax Topic: Do this Before December 31st!!

We're looking for about 4-5 very smart people. Those who understand what they're seeing as we show them a very simple method to becoming wealthy, and staying wealthy.

The best thing about the network marketing industry & its businesses of these models is that it has it all, and people can choose to support what they like best as a matter of preference. Some people pick product as their focus,
others--- money,
others--- people,
others--- growth;
With all the variables of choice, it's really like operating a franchise only we're NOT a franchise. We're much, much better.

Did I say much, much better?

Think about it. When 99.9% of all businesses are customer dependent (based on the product) who wouldn't choose our business model over anything else, especially since it is NOT customer dependent?
And, just what is happening to the customer these days? (Short on work and money perhaps). This leaves the customer dependent business model in dire straights. They'll have customers sure; just not enough to keep them going and provide them with the lifestyle desired. That's the 99.9%.

The .1% who are NOT in trouble are the ones that have been with us for a long time. Many operate as franchises. Whenever I speak with prospects, there is often one that comes to mind, and people actually say that they would like to own one.
But remember, we're 'like' one, but even better.
Much, much better.

So, although the products can be great, and they really are; they are secondary to the wealth building system in front of us. Let us promote that for a sea of change!! Forget the job for now.
And do this for the benefit of others....before December 31
As Robert Kiyosaki says:
“The best thing a person can do for themselves is to Start a Business”.


Tax Code: Smart People Start a Business-Every Three Years

How does a person get back more taxes? With a home business!

A home business opens them up to recapturing literally thousands of dollars per year. Simply put, The U.S. Tax Code is written FOR business owners because economies are grown by entrepreneurs. Further, as long as the business is intended for a profit, the tax code allows three years of losses before it expects the profits to be realized.

Furthermore, generating wealth is based on one concept; CASH FLOW. The more cash flow that comes in NOW is better than getting it later. Therefore, if a person has a job, and their exemptions are set at 0 or 1, they are getting the least amount possible each check and paying their taxes ahead of time. This is not smart from a cash flow standpoint because what they are doing is letting the Government use their money knowing that “They will get a big tax return check back”. Essentially, it becomes their “savings account”, and the return is rather small.

Network Marketing can truly build wealth for you and your family over a period of time, (in our business, it's four years); And, one advantage which is immediate, is the availability of tax deductions.

Point is, it’s not too late to join a legitimate home business and use these home business tax deductions for the 2011 tax year. Don’t miss the boat and get more taxes back this year! Get started before December 31!

If you would like to read more about building wealth through cash flow strategies, please visit more areas on this blog site.

Below are potential tax deductions that, we as business owners, can enjoy;
examples of DEDUCTIONS:
All specified suggestions Not to be taken as any form of advice. For that, speak to your tax accountant.

Products Purchased
Car Miles
Mortgage Interest or Rent
See the following: Business rent deduction-Schedule C-IRS Publication 587.
And, Since mortgage interest can be taken on Schedule A as an itemized deduction, you may consider moving it to Schedule C and taking the Standard Deduction.
Calculate square footage of office/total finished square footage of home or apartment=BUP (Business Use Percentage).

Other Home Deductions
■Gas, electric, water, and sewer (BUP x expenses).
Talk to your accountant for more specifics,etc.) & see IRS Publication 587.
■Cleaning crews to dust, vacuum and empty the trash (BUP x expenses).
■Computers, copiers, fax machines, and telephones.

Business Deductions
■Advertising (100% deductible).
■Paper, pens, and postage (100% deductible).
■Bank fees on business accounts (or personal checking if no business account) (100% deductible).
■Desks, sofas, coffee tables, and other furniture.
100% deductible if used exclusively for business.For partially used business assets, you can deduct a percentage of the asset.
■Credit card annual fees and business cards (100% deductible).
■Painting, wallpaper, carpeting, and other repairs/remodeling (BUP x expenses).
■Legal and professional services (100% deductible pertaining to business).
■Bad debts from sales or services (100% deductible).
■Phone bills(outside of “base amount” 100% deductible), cell phones (100% deductible if business), pagers (100% deductible if business), and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) (100% deductible if business).
■Magazines and books for business education (100% deductible).
■Newspapers, magazines, books, and on-line media (100% deductible).
■Services performed by independent contractors (BUP x expenses) or (100% deductible, i.e. accountant).
■Supplies and materials (100% deductible).
■Plane fares, hotel costs, meals and rental cars.
The tax law says that anytime your work “requires you to sleep or rest away from your principle place of business”, you may deduct reasonable travel and related expenses (such as meals, hotel, rental car, tips, etc.). IRC Section 162 (a)(2) and Revenue Rulings 54-497, 75-432, 63-145, 75-169, 76-453.

You can deduct 100% of your transportation costs, 100% lodging, 100% of incidental expenses, and 50% of your meals if ½ of your days qualify as Business Days, and fewer than ½ your days are for non-business purposes (“51/49% Transportation Rule”) and the primary purpose of your trip is Business.

You CAN deduct your spouse’s expense if he/she is for a bona fide business purpose, he/she is an employee or owner of the business, and the travel and related expenses would be deductible for him/her even if he/she were making the trip alone.
TALK TO YOUR ACCOUNTANT to see what determines a “Business Day”.

■Taxes and licenses.
■Special work clothing or uniforms.
■Lunches, dinners, ball games, and theater tickets.
For the most part, only 50% of meals and entertainment expenses are deductible. IRC 274(n).

“The Four Requirement Test”;

At the time you decided to spend the money, you expected that there would be a future business benefit.

During the entertainment, you actually talked about things that could produce that business benefit.

Your principal reason for entertaining this person was to actively conduct business.

You incurred the expense so that you could talk directly with the person who could produce a future business benefit.
TALK TO YOUR ACCOUNTANT for the exact rules on meals.

■Security Alarms and hidden cameras (BUP x expenses).
■Health, life, dental, vision, disability, and unemployment insurance.
When your spouse is an employee of your home business, he/she could be eligible for “Employee Benefits” from his/her employer (you), and the cost of employee benefits are deductible to you as business expenses IRC Section 162 (a).

This can include all insurance plan annual deductibles, co pays for doctor visits and prescription drugs, plus non-covered expenses like orthodontics, eyeglasses, contact lenses, dental work, chiropractic, nutritional supplements, etc., Reg Sec 71-588; Plr. 9409006.

■Company cars (and even boats).
■Contributions to Employee Retirement Plans.
■Holiday cards, gifts, and postage (100% deductible).
■Internet access fees, web hosting fees, Cable, DSL, or Broadband, computer extended warranty costs, database backup services, merchant discount fees, ink and toner cartridges, software used for business, spyware and antivirus subscription services, firewalls, routers, peripherals, surge protection equipment, conference call services (100% deductible).
■Any expense that qualifies as “ordinary and necessary” to operate their business.

■Make sure to keep all receipts.

“Section 179 Election” allows you depreciate immediately the entire amount of the business assets as long as business use is at least 51%.

■INDIRECT EXPENSES are only deductible to the amount of net income, but can be carried forward in future years for deduction.
■DIRECT EXPENSES are allowed to exceed the amount of net income generated by your home business, and usually can be applied against ALL other income sources.
■For more information, go to
■Hire and TAX accountant to produce your return. You can deduct the amount of the charge from the accountant, you will have a person knowledgeable of all rules or can look them up.
b> All specified suggestions are Not to be taken as any form of advice. For that, speak to your tax accountant.



Did you know? You're already involved in it, just that you're not getting paid!!

As the latest saying goes:
       If you're in business, but you're not on the Internet...
       Well, then you're not in business.
And so it follows:
       If you ARE on the Internet, along with any social networking site, especially if you operate a business

A 21st Century Business Model:
Many people and non-profit orgs need extra money to keep going in this economy.
Meantime, we're providing this service message to as many as we can as fast as we can.
If it's for you, you'll know in ten minutes;
If not, plz pass it on to everyone as fast as possible.

This being the 21st Century, everyone deserves a 21st Century Solution to economic & health issues.
Consider joining me, my colleagues, & more people like yourself for real wealth, great health, fun, contests, prizes, cruises, trips, cash rewards & more!
plz chck out my site and come along for the best and wildest ride of your life::


It Truly is a GoldMine

Your network of people you are connected to whether by family, friendship, work or business association is truly a goldmine as the title says. Why then, do you think, that FB and so many sites' billionaire leaders want you as one of their members? Here's a hint: Short answer: Because you & your network are valuable to them.          Long answer: As long as they keep providing a service or product that you like and keep coming back for, and you keep connecting with more and more people who do the same, it becomes apparent that there is an expanding market consisting of multiple eyes on the prize which can be collected and exploited for that value, value to FB and their advertisers.  Hence, don't let yourself be fooled--YOU and I are the real product.

Since what you're getting appears to be free, (in actuality more over time its cost is the price called freedom), there is no need to compensate you for any of what you are providing, and all potential and real profits go to the upper tier creators and establishments competing for your attention.

Your NetWork is a GoldMineYou already knew this, yes, that is true.  So here's what you don't know..and if you did, you would be doing something about it in a big way.

Not only is your network like Gold to advertisers and their hosts; hosts such as:
T.V. show carriers/networks, radio channels/networks, national business chains/networks, and now.... social network sites. It, that is to say 'your network', is actually more like Platinum to You and everyone associated with it. You have all the control and say as to how much money you want to bring in, what products you want to use and represent within your network, and how much time you are willing to make or have available. The same goes for every individual, business or organization associated within your network because of a connection to You. You have the opportunity to lead your network to their own wealth and unimpoverished lifestyle! So, get out there and claim it! End this struggle with the so called economic crisis and build your gas fund, home fund, kids fund, food fund, fun fund, and time fund now! There really is no time like the current moment to LEAD your own network to millions of their own, thereby creating millions and possibly Billions of your own in the process.

Still not sure what it all means? Call Now and get your platinum billion dollar consultation free Today!
Join Us and get paid for networking and enriching your network! You'll be glad you did & all the richer.


The Truth About Network Marketing

Your NetWork is a GoldMineNetwork Marketing is a philosophy of personal growth, increase,
success, helping others, making a difference, wanting the BEST out
of life, and being open to new ideas and cutting-edge thinking.

If one really wants to be wealthy, learn to build a business and, that it be
something that can be passed on to future generations.

If one is looking for security, typically found in a job, just calculate how much time one could hold on if they were to lose their job. Then, allow this business to be that which works hard for you in building that wall of security around you so you never have to worry about it not being there again.

This can be done for a very low price, while offering huge returns. Most people will attend and play weekly 'bingo' games to get returns, which is really back to just spending. The business model also is already in place for you, so, your only and best job involves telling to as many as you can as fast as you can, in order for the business to grow in terms of other investors like yourself.

The number of investors to bring is very low. The choice to bring more going forward is just that, a choice, but, not mandatory.
Do this, and your freedom and time is all yours to do as you wish.



The Best Investment Never Known. Help us get the word out.

This truly is the Best Investment Never Known. Typically, when considering investments, investors will go with a well-known company and throw money after its reputation in order to keep it going. Even employees do the same, except they throw their time after it. Ever thought of how these companies may have gotten started? Through investors of course. My company is seeking investors and those who will attract more investors by helping get the word out. You game?

Join Us Today! And....Take a good look!

Not only will you love the products, you'll really love the return on your investment!! Help us get the word out.
